Wine Making Equipment,Home Brew Kits

Alcotec TY48 Turbo Yeast.

Alcotec TY48 Turbo Yeast will produce alcohol FAST. A very popular yeast to produce a wash suitable for distilling and the best 48 hour yeast on the market..
To 25 litres of water add 6kg of sugar for 14% alcohol in 2 days or 8kg of sugar for 20% alcohol in 5 days.
This will produce a spirit base for addition of flavouring etc
Alcotec TY48 Turbo Yeast.
Will produce 14% abv in 48 hours up to 20% alcohol in 5 days.
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Alcotec TY48 - pack of 40 sachets
Will produce 14% abv in 48 hours up to 20% alcohol in 5 days.
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Alcotec TY48 - 100 sachets
Will produce 14% abv in 48 hours up to 20% alcohol in 5 days.
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