Home Brew Kits, Wine Making Equipment


Top quality no sugar required kit using 3kg of malt.

Continental Pilsner
Continental Pilsner embodies the full character of European lager style beers - light, delicate and thirst quenching yet richly satisfying. This Continental Pilsner beer preserves the delicate balance of natural hop bitterness with the sweetness of malt and is best served chilled to around 5deg C or 41deg F. In keeping with Munton's Gold standard, by using the easy-to-follow brewing instructions, you will brew beer of the very highest quality - a quality which compares most favourably with the fine pilsners enjoyed across mainland Europe.
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Old English Bitter
This fine Old english Bitter rekindles the full bodied, rich ales of Victorian britain. Enjoyed best when served at cellar temperature 13deg C/56deg F, this quality beer combines premium brewing malt and the choicest hops, to follow a centuries-old tradition of fine brewing. In keeping with this tradition, you can now recreate the taste enjoyed by Victorian England, with this excellent Old English Bitter - a taste which improves and matures with age.
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Imperial Stout
As Imperial Russia extended its territories into the Baltic States during the early 1780's, Catherine the Great - Empress of all Russia - fell in love with the taste of strong British Stout. With its full body, rich black colour and distinctive dry bitterness, Imperial Stout captures the essence of this truly classic beer. Capped by a smooth, creamy head, it is a brew to be savoured and enjoyed - especially when served very cold at around 5deg C or 41deg F.
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India Pale Ale
Keeping troops supplied with fresh beer in the British East Indies proved to be a problem during the 19th century. The long journey by sea spoilt ordinary beers so a special beer was brewed to survive the journey. India Pale ale was brewed to a high alcoholic strength to keep bacteria at bay during the voyage. On arrival, the beer was 'watered down' to normal pub strength for the troops. Officers, of course, had access to the non-diluted version! This kit gives you the choice to brew the Troops' Tipple at approximately 4.5% ABV or the Higher Ranks' Reserve - a higher strength version at approximately 6% ABV. Only the Troops' Tipple complies strictly with the "Reinheiltsgebot". Serve either version at cellar temperature (about 13deg C/56deg F.) to fully appreciate the light delicate flavour of these beers.
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Highland Heavy Ale
Centuries ago in the highlands of Scotland small breweries began producing rich, dark, hoppy ales known locally as 'Heavy. In addition, 'Light' beers were also brewed which were known south of the border as Milds. But it was always a pint of 'Heavy' which typified the Highlander's preference. Muntons Gold enables you to brew this distinctive bitter with its dark, malty flavour balanced by a generous helping of hops. To enjoy Highland Heavy Ale at its best serve at cellar temperature.
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Docklands Porter
At the end of the 19th century a beer was brewed especially for the dockyard workers of the bustling Port of London. Docklands Porter was named after these strong men, who unloaded the cargoes of sailing ships and schooners berthed at the many wharves along the Thames. Porter had a uniquely rich and satisfying flavour which quenched the thirst of dockers after long shifts loading and unloading vessels from around the world. You can now recapture the unique flavour of traditional Victorian Porter
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