Wine Making Equipment,Home Brew Kits

Harris VinClear

Add VINCLEAR wine finings to the wine whenever it remains cloudy after fermentation and racking. Many types of wine finings are available, but for hundreds of years, isinglass has been a most reliable treatment for clearing both beer and wine. Although isinglass is convenient to apply in the liquid form, there has always been concern over its shelf life. From the time of manufacture, it begins to deteriorate, a simple analogy being that of a charged battery that begins to discharge upon standing. Isinglass liquid finings also denatures rapidly, with consequent loss of fining properties, when exposed to temperatures above 20C, even for short periods of time.
WINEFINE sachets are ready mixed express wine finings that have a long shelf life and are easily applied straight from the packet. The sachets can be stored at room temperature and can clear a wine in as little as 24hours. VINCLEAR sachets are available in freeze-dried powder form. This advanced product can be stored almost indefinitely at any temperature and still remain 100% active. VINCLEAR is a highly effective fining reagent, containing freeze-dried isinglass
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Harris VinClear
A re-sealable pot of Harris VinClear suitable for fining up to 3 x 5 gallon batches of home wine.
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