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Vigo 6 litre Hobby Press

Get started with traditional juicing and cider making with our 6 Litre Hobby Fruit Press! This popular entry-level fruit press is perfect for beginners, providing an ideal and low-cost way to try out traditional juicing and cider making yourself. With its spindle mechanism and pressure plate, this press gently extracts juice from your fruit, retaining maximum nutrients and flavour.

The fruit press comes with:

Full assembly instructions
Four spacer blocks
Food grade grease
A straining bag
Basic Cider & Juice Making Booklet
This press has everything you need to start pressing your pomace.

Please note that apples must be crushed into a pomace before pressing, for a low-budget option we suggest pairing this press with the popular 'Pulpmaster with Bucket'.
This press comes with full instructions for easy home assembly.
DescriptionPrice (£)QTY
Vigo 6 litre Hobby Press
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